Amy in words


Hey there. Before you trust me with your voice, let me introduce mine.

At my core, I am a communicator. I was 12 when I was published for the first time in a poetry collection. My poem was heinous but it was just the right amount of affirmation to ensure I never stopped writing.

Like many word enthusiasts, I graduated with an English degree in high hopes of becoming a professor. Sometime along the way, I discovered American Sign Language and the satisfaction behind accurately conveying two messages in different languages. I loved working within the Deaf community but I always wrote on the side to fuel my creativity.

Several years after graduation and in the midst of my interpreting career, I was posed the opportunity to represent a brand on social media. I created content, started a blog and polished my knack for driving sales. From there, my marketing career was born.

I’ve since worked in the advertising agency space and now on a full-time freelance basis. No matter the industry, product or project, I feel the same excitement helping people finally feel cohesion with their brand. At the heart of every person is a unique purpose and story. And my purpose is to elevate your story so it can do the work it’s meant to do.